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We invite you to become a member of this organization.  We believe that nursing education and healthcare needs can be met through nurses in practice and education, consumers, students and many other individuals.  The organization will provide a forum to provide and exchange information, to network, to foster leadership, to provide education, and to promote the image of nursing.

The Louisiana League for Nursing (LLN) is a constituent league of the National League for Nursing, Inc. (NLN). The mission of the organization is to promote excellence in nursing education to build a strong and diverse workforce to advance the nation's health.

The LLN strives to meet this goal through a variety of activities, including continuing nursing education, assisting members to achieving CNE certification and providing scholarships for nursing faculty. 

As a constituent member of the NLN, the Louisiana League supports the mission of the national organization.  The mission of the NLN is to advance quality of nursing education to meet the needs of diverse populations in an ever-changing health care environment.